These days I find myself being impacted by the news… hurricanes, earthquakes, forest fires, political extremism, threat of nuclear war, etc. In fact now, more than ever in my career, clients are needing to talk about how they are being impacted by what is happening in the larger world, in addition to what is happening in their personal lives. This turbulence is affecting people’s sleep, causing a preoccupation and worry about family and friends, and is even resulting in chronic irritability or depression.
Questions arise about how to hold steady during these turbulent times, how to find peace in midst of the noise, chaos and busyness, how to determine priorities, how to spend one’s time. These are questions I ask myself regularly. Here are some of the answers that have come to me that may also be helpful to you:
Have a regular daily practice: For me this includes time for meditation and journaling (2 pages of stream of consciousness writing). Other practices can include gratitude practice (some people do this while they take their daily walk), prayer, or creative time.
Limit the amount of time taking in the news or being on social media: News can seep in in so many ways, email, Facebook, tv, during social time with friends and family, even on phones or tablets. Set a timer, limit news time, or change the subject when it’s feeling like too much. Check in with what happens in your body. Are there signals or symptoms that tell you you’ve had too much?
Have phrases, poems, passages that settle you down, give you hope, provide inspiration: Some people develop a password that they need to get on to their computer that serves as a reminder, like slow down, peace, gratitude. Or perhaps what pops up on your screen saver is “This too shall pass.” Is there a passage or poem that speaks to you?
I will write about other coping strategies and practices in future blogs. I also hope you will consider signing up for one of the programs I will be leading in the coming months that can help give you the tools and support to navigate difficulties and enrich your life.