Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance, or spiritual direction as it is referred to by some, is a process of listening to your life with the help of a companion who walks with you on your journey.

Spiritual Guidance Core Purpose Living

It is especially helpful if you are seeking more from your life, a greater meaning and purpose, answers to life’s big questions, a deepening in their relationship with Spirit.

Unlike psychotherapy, spiritual guidance is meant to help nurture your spiritual growth.

Fran’s job is to walk with you and help you discern the movement of Spirit in your life experiences, as you discover your own spiritual path.  Fran listens deeply, gently offers support, thoughts and observations, while at the same time she helps you to affirm yourself and your gifts and to deepen your relationship with the Divine.

Spiritual guidance welcomes each person’s story, regardless of their faith tradition or religious affiliation.

Contact Fran today for more information.